RPN2V2.ZIP contains now more than 2 files: RPN2.exe, the latest version 2.x this introduction howto2.txt RPN2.USAV is written by RPN2.exe when closed. It saves the stacks and the registers. aeveral *.VSAV files, programs aka scripts. ... RPN2.VSAV is written automatically when the program is closed correcttly. Several *.RLIS files. Text files with a LIST of "tschnical values". Installation of PPN2.exe: Unzip / copy RPN2.exe into a new, empty directory (new speech: folder). (Or overwrite the old Version by the new version in the existing directory) to run RPN2: Doubleclick on RPN2.exe with the explorer to start. No more files are necessary to run, no DLL etc. but RPN2.exe reads "yesterday" data from RPN2.USAV But the example files may be helpful. When you close RPN2 (top right [ X ] only), then a backup file RPN2.USAV is written automatically in the same directory aka folder. Later make an easy entry on your desktop. (On Vista: First create a shortcut of RPN2.exe using the right mouse button on the windows explorer and then drag the shortcut to the desktop wherever you like. It is not clever to drag the RPN2.exe to the desktop because the program shall be in a private directory aka folder together with the RPN2.USAV file) ABOUT REVERSE POLISH NOTATION (an introduction) RPN has no foolish norms like "* and / are privileged over + and -" that millions of children have to learn for Adam Riese. It will take some hours for a newcomer to become familiar with RPN-notation-thinking. The use of the RPN method is easy - an example: Instead of (12.67 + 17.65) / SQR(21.04 - 18) you do this way: 12.67 ENTER 17,65 ENTER + 21.04 ENTER 18 ENTER - DUP * / without the "ENTER" it is short as in FORTH, where the WORDs are distinct by a space only: 12.67 17,65 + 21.04 18 - DUP * / The intermediate result of the "left bracket" was visible on the "deep stack" until it was finally used by the / command. (The RPN2 - expression interpreter accepts dots and commas as decimal points as well) You can write this into a FORTH command line - if your FORTH can work with REALs. RPN2 manages REALs, you need not worry, RPN2 even manages complex values a+jb. And you can easily convert a capacitor at a frequency and a parallel resistor to a negative complex impedance in 1 cell with few keystrokes or mouseclicks. And each operation is visible on the stack, on the screen. A good feeling for numbers, values. In RPN there are no "operators" like + - * / and more! There are COMMANDS only like ->>--> ADD NOS and TOS and ->>--> DIVIDE NOS by TOS on the stack with familiar symbols + and / And yes, RPN2 is not written as a competitor to Excel etc. It is written as a 2 (or 3) steps BACK TO THE ROOTS program. ------------------------------------------------------------------ About Windows: I could not test RPN2 on Windows 7 and above because I have only Windows Vista but it will run on higher versions of Windows, say LAZARUS people. Introduction: on the bottom line of the RPN2 window (pull down to make the window deeper) you find a minimum introduction. Most buttons and checkboxes have a hint but there is no "HELP" because Windows makes HELP unusable at each 2nd Version. Learn more by doing. RPN2 is free of charge and free of ads but not free of errors - I fix them :-) You may copy RPN2 (preferred the original .ZIP) but you _must_not_SALE_it_ or copy together with another business or benefit. Even you MUST NOT SALE a translation or a manual or training for the RPN2 program. RPN2 Ver.2 is now programmable If you are interested, then look for one of the various FORTH versions. RPN2 is a learning tool for the Reverse Polish Notation method. "Polish" comes from the inventor, a priest in Poland, whose name I forgot. The program runs slowly. I want to give other applications a chance to run. Each step gives 10ms idle for the rest of the CPU (my job before I retired was industrial control). * Each number (cell on the stack and in the registers) can be complex. * RPN2 has an additional >R I R> stack for programming use. * RPN2 is programmable. Not perfect but it works. ... make the window wide right. ... with stackable :WORDS ... ;RETUN to call ... with Constants ... with IF ... ELSE ... ENDIF ... with WHILE ... ENDWHILE ... with REPEAT ... UNTIL ... wirh stackable DO ... LOOP * RPN2 can print the TOS or a range of registers. ... extend the window at the bottom * RPN2 can read in 2 lists from file for @A and @B ... bottom right * RPN2 has a comfort dialogue window to write into a register/variable. ... checkbox left of the register dialogue. * RPN2 has many RPN2 - constansts and offers 10 private constants. * RPN2 has some new commands, hyperbolic, statistic etc. * RPN2 has many commands to handle comples (a+jb) values. * RPN2 has some commands to handle polar complex values. source: http://www.meg-glaser.com/h/h_download.html office@meg-glaser.com May 2016 Version 1.2 (complex j calc and entry improved) May 2016 Version 1.3 (emtry line with history, 31�23'25" works) May 2016 Version 1.4 (more commands, keys to click in elongated window, better entry mode) Jume 2016 Version 2.12 lot of improvements: June 2016 Version 2.14 some errors fixes, RECT*, COTH ACOTH, lin.interpolation wt. @B July 2016 Version 2.15 REG(0..299) in entry, sqrt on complex and more, * and / on polars.