program Dict; { simple dictionary using a btree. The program reads in an ASCII file with one word per line and stores the words in an btree. A btree is something like binary tree but every node can have more than two descent nodes. This is done by linked list. This method has two advantages: * when a word is wrong you can easily give some proposes how the word is written correctly (just change the path in the tree a little) * bigger dict. may save space. E.g "base, basicly, basement" etc. share the same path on the first three niveaus. ATTENTION! I don't free any mem I've allocated. This is done by the heap manager (i.e. he allocates large blockes and releases them } when the program ends. But this can be added easily. Also, there is no function included that deletes words (I don't need it in my project). I suggest it is not that easy to add such a function but have a try ;-)) } { $DEFINE DEBUG} { if DEBUG is defined (just erase space between "{" and "$") then some actions are logged while building the tree and while searching. } const debugfile = 'C:\bp\dict.log'; { log file (if needed) } dictFileName = 'C:\bp\dict.dat'; { data input (words in ASCII) } type PNode = ^TNode; TNode = record Character : Char; { the current character } WordEnd : Boolean; { is this char. the last of one word?} right,down: PNode; { right: points to next char on the same niveau down : points to the next char in word } {$IFDEF DEBUG} Level : byte; { level of the tree } {$ENDIF } end; var BTree: PNode; { our tree } DictFile: Text; { our ascii dictionary } {$IFDEF DEBUG} var f: Text; { log file handle } {$ENDIF } procedure CreateBTree; { just initalizes the tree w/ a dummy element } begin Btree:=NIL; New(Btree); BTree^.character:=#$1A; { #$1A is END-OF-FILE. shouldn't be used in any word } BTree^.right:=NIL; Btree^.down:=NIL; BTree^.Wordend:=true; {$IFDEF DEBUG} BTree^.level:=1; writeln(f,'B-Tree with dummy element created.'); {$ENDIF } end; {$IFDEF DEBUG} function GetNode(Character: Char; LevelPtr: PNode; Level: byte): PNode; {$ELSE } function GetNode(Character: Char; LevelPtr: PNode): PNode; {$ENDIF } { returns the node in Level "LevelPtr" that contains "Character". if there is no node, it is created } var p: PNode; begin if levelptr=NIL then begin New(P); P^.right:=NIL; P^.down:=NIL; P^.character:=character; P^.WordEnd:=False; {$IFDEF DEBUG} P^.Level:=Level; writeln(f,'#New niveau-node enterd. Content of the first node: '+ ' "',character,'". Level ',level); {$ENDIF } GetNode:=p; end else begin p:=levelptr; while (p^.right<>NIL) and (p^.character<>Character) do p:=p^.right; if p^.character=character then begin getnode:=p; {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln(f,'Node "',character,'" found on level ',level,'.'); {$ENDIF } end else begin { p^.right is NIL! } new(p^.right); p:=p^.right; p^.character:=character; p^.right:=NIL; p^.down:=nil; p^.wordend:=false; {$IFDEF DEBUG} p^.level:=level; writeln(f,'#Entered new node. Content "',character,'". Level ',level); {$ENDIF } GetNode:=p; end; {if} end; { if } end; procedure InsertWord(wort: string); { inserts the word "wort" into btree } var p1,p2,p3: PNode; i: byte; begin if wort='' then exit; p2:=btree; for i:=1 to length(wort) do begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} p1:=getnode(wort[i],p2,i); {$ELSE} p1:=getnode(wort[i],p2); {$ENDIF} if p2=NIL then p3^.down:=p1; p3:=p1; p2:=p1^.down; end; p1^.wordend:=true; {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln(f,'Wort "',wort,'" eingetragen.'); {$ENDIF } end; function ProofWord(Wort: string): boolean; { returns true if "wort" is in our dictionary } var P1,p2: PNode; I: Byte; begin ProofWord:=FALSE; if wort='' then exit; p1:=BTree; i:=1; {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln(f,'Searching for word "',wort,'".'); {$ENDIF } while (p1<>NIL) and (length(wort)>=i) do begin while (p1^.right<>NIL) and (p1^.character<>wort[i]) do p1:=p1^.right; if p1^.character=wort[i] then begin inc(i); p2:=p1; p1:=p1^.down; {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln(f,'Character "',wort[i-1],'" found on level ',i-1,'.'); {$ENDIF } end else p1:=NIL; end; if (i=length(wort)+1) and (p2^.wordend) then proofword:=TRUE; end; var OldExitProcPtr: Pointer; procedure MyExitProc;far; begin ExitProc:=OldExitProcPtr; if exitcode = 214 then writeln('Huston! We''ve got a pointer problem!'); {$IFDEF DEBUG} close(f); {$ENDIF } end; var s: String; begin OldExitProcPtr:=ExitProc; ExitProc:=@MyExitProc; {$IFDEF DEBUG} assign(f,debugfile); rewrite(f); {$ENDIF } assign(dictfile,dictfilename); createBTree; reset(dictfile); write('Reading dictionary...'); while not eof(dictfile) do begin readln(dictfile,s); insertword(s); end; writeln('done.'); writeln('Request mode. End with "END"!'); s:=''; repeat write('OK>'); readln(s); if s<>'END' then if proofword(s) then writeln('Word found!',#7) else writeln('Word not fond!'); until s='END'; {$IFDEF DEBUG} close(f); {$ENDIF } ExitProc:=OldExitProcPtr; end.=====================Code ends===============================