program fadescreen; { FADECODE.PAS -- Written by Scott F. Earnest ( Copyright 1995, 1996 This is proto-code. It's not setup to do exactly what you need, but everything you need is included. No screen drawing code is provided. You can add that yourself. If you need a good ANSI displayer, I have a unit for TP7 I can provide which I wrote (sorry, the code is NOT free). If something doesn't work as expected or bugs are found, contact author at All code original by author. Excerpts from my own COLORS.PAS source and yet unreleased SlikView source. } {$N+,E+} uses crt; type TColr = record r, g, b : byte; end; type {for VGA color control} TEGA_pal = array[0..15] of TColr; type {for floating-point based fade routines} TRColr = record r, g, b : real; end; TRPal = array[0..15] of TRColr; PRPal = ^TRPal; const {VGA fader variable lookup table} RrGgBb_Table : array[0..15] of byte = (0,1,2,3,4,5,20,7,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63); var fadepal, defpal, ctl : TRPal; {work palettes for fade effects } function sgn (num : longint) : shortint; begin if num<0 then sgn := -1 else if num>0 then sgn := 1 else sgn := 0; end; procedure setcolr (idx : byte; var colr : TColr); begin port[$3c8] := idx; port[$3c9] := colr.r; port[$3c9] := colr.g; port[$3c9] := colr.b; end; procedure getcolr (idx : byte; var colr : TColr); begin port[$3c7] := idx; colr.r := port[$3c9]; colr.g := port[$3c9]; colr.b := port[$3c9]; end; procedure setrcolr (idx : byte; var colr : TRColr); var x : byte; tmp : TColr; begin with tmp do begin r := round(colr.r); g := round(colr.g); b := round(colr.b); end; setcolr (idx,tmp); end; procedure getrcolr (idx : byte; var entry : TRColr); var tmp : TColr; begin getcolr (idx,tmp); with entry do begin r := tmp.r; g := tmp.g; b := tmp.b; end; end; procedure calcctl (steps : byte; var src, dest : TRPal); var x : byte; begin for x := 0 to 15 do with ctl[x] do begin r := (dest[x].r-src[x].r)/steps; g := (dest[x].g-src[x].g)/steps; b := (dest[x].b-src[x].b)/steps; end; end; procedure fadetocolor; var s, x : byte; begin {assumes fadepal is already (63,63,63)...(63,63,63).} calcctl (32,fadepal,defpal); for s := 0 to 31 do begin for x := 0 to 15 do begin with fadepal[x] do begin r := r+ctl[x].r; g := g+ctl[x].g; b := b+ctl[x].b; end; setrcolr (RrGgBb_table[x],fadepal[x]); end; delay (25); end; end; procedure savepalette (var pal : TRPal); var x : byte; begin for x := 0 to 15 do getrcolr (RrGgBb_Table[x],pal[x]); end; procedure whitescreen; var x : byte; begin for x := 0 to 15 do with fadepal[x] do begin r := 63.0; g := 63.0; b := 63.0; end; end; begin clrscr; savepalette (defpal); whitescreen; {draw your screen here} fadetocolor; readkey; end. { Scott F. Earnest | We now return you to our regularly scheduled | chaos and mayhem. . . . }