{************************************************} { } { Turbo Pascal for Windows } { Tips & Techniques Demo Program } { Copyright (c) 1991 by Borland International } { } {************************************************} program ModemoDemo; {$R Modem} uses WinTypes, WinProcs, WObjects, Strings; type TEditLine = array[0..50] of Char; const idEdit = 100; idDial = 201; idDialStart = 101; idPhoneNum = 102; idConfigure = 202; id1200 = 101; id2400 = 102; id4800 = 103; id9600 = 104; idOdd = 105; idEven = 106; idNone = 107; idComm1 = 108; idComm2 = 109; id1Stop = 110; id2Stop = 111; id7Data = 112; id8Data = 113; LineWidth = 80; { Width of each line displayed. } LineHeight = 60; { Number of lines that are held in memory. } { The configuration string below is used to configure the modem. } { It is set for communication port 2, 2400 baud, No parity, 8 data } { bits, 1 stop bit. } Comm : Char = '2'; Baud : Word = 24; Parity: Char = 'n'; Stop : Char = '1'; Data : Char = '8'; DialStart: TEditLine = 'ATDT'; PhoneNumber: TEditLine = ''; type TApp = object(TApplication) procedure Idle; virtual; procedure InitMainWindow; virtual; procedure MessageLoop; virtual; end; PBuffer = ^TBuffer; TBuffer = object(TCollection) Pos: Integer; constructor Init(AParent: PWindow); procedure FreeItem(Item: Pointer); virtual; function PutChar(C: Char): Boolean; end; PCommWindow = ^TCommWindow; TCommWindow = object(TWindow) Cid: Integer; Buffer: PBuffer; FontRec: TLogFont; CharHeight: Integer; constructor Init(AParent: PWindowsObject; ATitle: PChar); destructor Done; virtual; procedure Configure(var Message: TMessage); virtual cm_First + idConfigure; procedure Dial(var Message: TMessage); virtual cm_First + idDial; procedure Error(E: Integer; C: PChar); procedure Paint(PaintDC: HDC; var PaintInfo: TPaintStruct); virtual; procedure ReadChar; virtual; procedure SetConfigure; procedure SetHeight; procedure SetUpWindow; virtual; procedure wmChar(var Message: TMessage); virtual wm_Char; procedure wmSize(var Message: TMessage); virtual wm_Size; procedure WriteChar; end; { TBuffer } { The Buffer is used to hold each line that is displayed in the main } { window. The constant LineHeight determines the number of lines that } { are stored. The Buffer is prefilled with the LineHeight worth of } { lines. } constructor TBuffer.Init(AParent: PWindow); var P: PChar; I: Integer; begin TCollection.Init(LineHeight + 1, 10); GetMem(P, LineWidth + 1); P[0] := #0; Pos := 0; Insert(P); for I := 1 to LineHeight do begin GetMem(P, LineWidth + 1); P[0] := #0; Insert(P); end; end; procedure TBuffer.FreeItem(Item: Pointer); begin FreeMem(Item, LineWidth + 1); end; { This procedure processes all incoming information from the com } { port. This procedure is called by TCommWindow.ReadChar. } function TBuffer.PutChar(C: Char): Boolean; var Width: Integer; P: PChar; begin PutChar := False; Case C of #13: Pos := 0; { if a Carriage Return. } #10: { if a Line Feed. } begin GetMem(P, LineWidth + 1); FillChar(P^, LineWidth + 1, ' '); P[Pos] := #0; Insert(P); end; #8: if Pos > 0 then { if a Delete. } begin Dec(Pos); P := At(Count - 1); P[Pos] := ' '; end; #32..#128: { else handle all other } begin { displayable characters.} P := At(Count - 1); Width := StrLen(P); if Width > LineWidth then { if line is to wide } begin { create a new line. } Pos := 1; GetMem(P, LineWidth + 1); P[0] := C; P[1] := #0; Insert(P); end else { else add character } begin { to current line. } P[Pos] := C; Inc(Pos); P[Pos] := #0; end; end; end; if Count > LineHeight then { if too many lines } begin { have been added delete} AtFree(0); { current line and let } PutChar := True; { the call procedure } end; { scroll up. } end; { TCommWindow } { The CommWindow displays the incoming and out going text. } { Note that the text typed by the user is displayed by } { being echoed back to the ReadChar procedure. So there is no need for } { wmChar to write a character to the screen. } constructor TCommWindow.Init(AParent: PWindowsObject; ATitle: PChar); begin TWindow.Init(AParent, ATitle); Attr.Style := Attr.Style or ws_VScroll; Attr.Menu := LoadMenu(HInstance, 'Menu_1'); Scroller := New(PScroller, Init(@Self, 1, 1, 100, 100)); Buffer := New(PBuffer, Init(@Self)); end; { Close the Comm port and deallocate the Buffer. } destructor TCommWindow.Done; begin Error(CloseComm(Cid), 'Close'); Dispose(Buffer, Done); TWindow.Done; end; procedure TCommWindow.Configure(var Message: TMessage); var Trans: record R1200, R2400, R4800, R9600, ROdd, REven, RNone, RComm1, RComm2, R1Stop, R2Stop, R7Data, R8Data: Word; end; D: TDialog; P: PWindowsObject; I: Integer; begin D.Init(@Self, 'Configure'); for I := id1200 to id8Data do P := New(PRadioButton, InitResource(@D, I)); with Trans do begin R1200 := Byte(Baud = 12); R2400 := Byte(Baud = 24); R4800 := Byte(Baud = 48); R9600 := Byte(Baud = 96); ROdd := Byte(Parity = 'o'); REven := Byte(Parity = 'e'); RNone := Byte(Parity = 'n'); RComm1 := Byte(Comm = '1'); RComm2 := Byte(Comm = '2'); R1Stop := Byte(Stop = '1'); R2Stop := Byte(Stop = '2'); R7Data := Byte(Data = '7'); R8Data := Byte(Data = '8'); end; D.TransferBuffer := @Trans; if D.Execute = id_Ok then begin with Trans do begin Baud := (R1200 * 12) + (R2400 * 24) + (R4800 * 48) + (R9600 * 96); if ROdd = bf_Checked then Parity := 'o'; if REven = bf_Checked then Parity := 'e'; if RNone = bf_Checked then Parity := 'n'; if R1Stop = bf_Checked then Stop := '1' else Stop := '2'; if RComm1 = bf_Checked then Comm := '1' else Comm := '2'; if R7Data = bf_Checked then Data := '7' else Data := '8'; SetConfigure; end; end; D.Done; end; procedure TCommWindow.Dial(var Message: TMessage); var Trans: record Start: TEditLine; Phone: TEditLine; end; D: TDialog; P: PWindowsObject; begin D.Init(@Self, 'Dial'); P := New(PEdit, InitResource(@D, idDialStart, SizeOf(TEditLine))); P := New(PEdit, InitResource(@D, idPhoneNum, SizeOf(TEditLine))); StrCopy(Trans.Start, DialStart); StrCopy(Trans.Phone, PhoneNumber); D.TransferBuffer := @Trans; if D.Execute = id_Ok then begin StrCopy(DialStart, Trans.Start); StrCopy(PhoneNumber, Trans.Phone); StrCat(PhoneNumber, #13); StrCat(PhoneNumber, #10); Error(WriteComm(CId, DialStart, StrLen(DialStart)), 'Writing'); Error(WriteComm(CId, PhoneNumber, StrLen(PhoneNumber)), 'Writing'); PhoneNumber[StrLen(PhoneNumber) - 2] := #0; end; D.Done; end; { Checks for comm errors and writes any errors. } procedure TCommWindow.Error(E: Integer; C: PChar); var S: array[0..100] of Char; begin if E >= 0 then exit; Str(E, S); MessageBox(GetFocus, S, C, mb_Ok); Halt(1); end; { Redraw all the lines in the buffer using ForEach. } procedure TCommWindow.Paint(PaintDC: HDC; var PaintInfo: TPaintStruct); var I: Integer; Font: HFont; procedure WriteOut(Item: PChar); far; begin TextOut(PaintDC, 0, CharHeight * I, Item, StrLen(Item)); inc(I); end; begin I := 0; Font := SelectObject(PaintDC, CreateFontIndirect(FontRec)); Buffer^.ForEach(@WriteOut); DeleteObject(SelectObject(PaintDC, Font)); end; { Read a character from the comm port, if there is no error then call } { Buffer^.PutChar to add it to the buffer and write it to the screen. } procedure TCommWindow.ReadChar; var Stat: TComStat; I, Size: Integer; C: Char; begin GetCommError(CID, Stat); for I := 1 to Stat.cbInQue do begin Size := ReadComm(CID, @C, 1); Error(Size, 'Read Comm'); if Size = 0 then Exit; if C <> #0 then begin if Buffer^.PutChar(C) then begin ScrollWindow(HWindow, 0, -CharHeight, Nil, Nil); UpDateWindow(HWindow); end; WriteChar; end; end; end; procedure TCommWindow.SetConfigure; var Config: array[0..20] of Char; S: array[0..5] of Char; DCB: TDCB; begin StrCopy(Config, 'com?:??,?,?,?'); Config[3] := Comm; Config[8] := Parity; Config[10] := Data; Config[12] := Stop; Str(Baud, S); Config[5] := S[0]; Config[6] := S[1]; BuildCommDCB(Config, DCB); DCB.ID := CID; Error(SetCommState(DCB), 'Set Comm State'); end; procedure TCommWindow.SetUpWindow; var DCB: TDCB; CommString: array[0..5] of Char; begin TWindow.SetUpWindow; SetHeight; { Open for Comm2 2400 Baud, No Parity, 8 Data Bits, 1 Stop Bit } StrCopy(CommString, 'Com '); CommString[3] := Comm; Cid := OpenComm(CommString, 1024, 1024); Error(Cid, 'Open'); SetConfigure; WriteComm(Cid, 'ATZ'#13#10, 5); { Send a reset to Modem. } end; { Call back function used only to get record structure for fixed } { width font. } function GetFont(LogFont: PLogFont; TM: PTextMetric; FontType: Word; P: PCommWindow): Integer; export; begin if P^.CharHeight = 0 then begin P^.FontRec := LogFont^; P^.CharHeight := P^.FontRec.lfHeight; end; end; { Get a fixed width font to use in the TCommWindow. Use EnumFonts } { to save work of create the FontRec by hand. } { The TScroller of the main window is also updated know that the font } { height is known. } procedure TCommWindow.SetHeight; var DC: HDC; ProcInst: Pointer; begin DC := GetDC(HWindow); CharHeight := 0; ProcInst := MakeProcInstance(@GetFont, HInstance); EnumFonts(DC, 'Courier', ProcInst, @Self); FreeProcInstance(ProcInst); ReleaseDC(HWindow, DC); Scroller^.SetUnits(CharHeight, CharHeight); Scroller^.SetRange(LineWidth, LineHeight); Scroller^.ScrollTo(0, LineHeight); end; { Write the character from the pressed key to the Comuniction Port. } procedure TCommWindow.wmChar(var Message: TMessage); begin Error(WriteComm(CId, @Message.wParam, 1), 'Writing'); end; procedure TCommWindow.wmSize(var Message: TMessage); begin TWindow.wmSize(Message); Scroller^.SetRange(LineWidth, LineHeight - (Message.lParamhi div CharHeight)); end; procedure TCommWindow.WriteChar; var DC: HDC; Font: HFont; S: PChar; APos: Integer; begin APos := Buffer^.Count - 1; S := Buffer^.AT(APos); APos := (APos - Scroller^.YPos) * CharHeight; if APos < 0 then exit; if HWindow <> 0 then begin DC := GetDC(HWindow); Font := SelectObject(DC, CreateFontIndirect(FontRec)); TextOut(DC, 0, APos, S, StrLen(S)); DeleteObject(SelectObject(DC, Font)); ReleaseDC(HWindow, DC); end; end; { TApp } procedure TApp.Idle; begin if MainWindow <> Nil then if MainWindow^.HWindow <> 0 then PCommWindow(MainWindow)^.ReadChar; end; procedure TApp.InitMainWindow; begin MainWindow := New(PCommWindow, Init(Nil, 'Comm Test')); end; { Add Idle loop to main message loop. } procedure TApp.MessageLoop; var Message: TMsg; begin while True do begin if PeekMessage(Message, 0, 0, 0, pm_Remove) then begin if Message.Message = wm_Quit then begin Status := Message.WParam; Exit; end; if not ProcessAppMsg(Message) then begin TranslateMessage(Message); DispatchMessage(Message); end; end else Idle; end; end; var App: TApp; begin App.Init('Comm'); App.Run; App.Done; end. 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