Program RadixValue; (* convert number string to real number, any base from 2 until 36 For more information look at the Val procedure F1 help *) Var Radix : Longint; Procedure RadixVal(S : String;Var r : Real;Var Err : Integer); Var DpL : Real; P : Integer; Sign : Real; L : Longint; Begin r := 0.0; {preset} DpL := Radix; Sign := 1.0; Err := 0; For P := 1 to length(S) do Begin S[P] := Upcase(S[P]); {convert 'a'..'z' to 'A'..'Z'} Case S[P] of '-' : if Sign > 0 then Sign := -1.0 {was the first hyphen in the string, ok} else Begin Err := P; {multiple leading -} Exit; End; '.' : if DpL > 1.0 then DpL := 1.0/Radix {from now on: right of the decimal point} else Begin Err := P; {multiple Dp error} Exit; End; '0'..'9', 'A'..'Z': Begin if S[P] <= '9' then L := Ord(S[P])-Ord('0') {'0'..'9' -> 0..9} else L := Ord(S[P])-Ord('A')+10; {'A'..'Z' -> 10..35} if L < Radix then Begin if DpL > 1.0 then {no Dp encountered yet} r := r*Radix + 1.0*L {increase the exponent} else Begin {we are behind the Dp} r := r + DpL*L; {append at the right end of the ###} DpL := DpL/Radix; End; End else Begin Err := P; {the cipher was too high for the selected base} Exit; End; End; else Begin {any other bad character} Err := P; Exit; End; End;{case} End; r := r*Sign; {finally} End; Var Test : String; Rslt : Real; ErrLoc : Integer; Begin Radix := 10; Test := '-1234.5678'; RadixVal(Test,Rslt,ErrLoc); writeln(ErrLoc,Rslt:20:10); Radix := 2; Test := '-100000000.100001'; RadixVal(Test,Rslt,ErrLoc); writeln(ErrLoc,Rslt:20:10); Radix := 16; Test := '-AFFE.BAC0'; RadixVal(Test,Rslt,ErrLoc); writeln(ErrLoc,Rslt:20:10); End. {Franz Glaser, Aug.1-1998}