Betreff: Re: Equation Parser Datum: Fri, 04 Sep 1998 02:11:55 -0700 Von: Yuri Pilipishin Firma: JCM Group An: Foren: comp.lang.pascal.delphi.misc Ben Crain wrote: > > I am new to Delphi, but with some experience in VB. I want to develop > an application (in both VB & Delphi, until I decide which is better) in > which the user enters a mathematical equation, presumably as a string > (any arbitrary equation, using any of the standard mathematical > operators : +,*,^, etc, and any of the standard functions: sin, exp, > etc.). I need to take that string, convert it to a real function, and > evaluate it. Simple, but still useful solution, written originally in Turbo Pascal 3.0 (and working with any version of Delphi as well). Examples of usage: x := ExeFn('2+(x5*y)^2', 1, 4, 0,0); .......... if not BadFn(Str, ['x', 'y', 't']) then s := ExeFn(Str, 3, 7.777, 0, 0) else WriteLn('Error in expression'); Please, write me if you need more explanation. Sincerely, Yuri Pilipishin ---------------------------------------------------- unit calcfn; { (c) 1991 Yuri Pilipisin } interface uses mathfns; type charset=set of char; function exefn(var f:string; x,y,z,t:real):real; function badfn(var f:string; arguments:charset):boolean; implementation type tab=array[1..255]of byte; var stack,stb:tab; oldfn:string; c:real; sp,i:integer; procedure set_stb(var f:string); begin sp:=1; for i:=1 to length(f) do case f[i] of '(': begin stack[sp]:=i;inc(sp) end; ')': begin dec(sp);stb[i]:=stack[sp] end end; oldfn:=f end; function exefn(var f:string; x,y,z,t:real):real; function calc(p1,p2:byte):real; var p:byte; function found(ch:char):boolean; begin p:=p2; while not((f[p]=ch)or(poldfn then set_stb(f); exefn:=calc(1,length(f)) end; const operators=['+','-','*','/','^']; func_num=17; func:array [1..func_num] of string[6] = ('sin','cos','tg','ctg','sh','ch','th','cth','sgn','abs','-','ln','exp', 'arcsin','arccos','arcctg','arctg'); function badfn(var f:string; arguments:charset):boolean; function fnok(p1,p2:byte):boolean; var p:byte; ok:boolean; function operator:boolean; begin p:=p2; while not((f[p] in operators)or(pp2 then fnok:=false else if p1=p2 then fnok:=f[p1] in (arguments+['0'..'9']) else if (stb[p2]=p1) and (f[p2]=')' ) then fnok:=fnok(p1+1,p2-1) else if f[p1]=' ' then fnok:=fnok(p1+1,p2) else if f[p2]=' ' then fnok:=fnok(p1,p2-1) else if operator then fnok:=fnok(p1,p-1) and fnok(p+1,p2) else if f[p1] in ['0'..'9'] then begin val(copy(f,p1,p2-p1+1),c,i);fnok:=(i=0) end else if copy(f,p1,p2-p1+1)='pi' then fnok:=true else begin i:=0; ok:=false; repeat inc(i); ok:=func[i]=copy(f,p1,length(func[i])) until ok or (i=func_num); fnok:=ok and fnok(p1+length(func[i]),p2) end end; begin set_stb(f); badfn:=(sp<>1)or not fnok(1,length(f)) end; end. ------------------------------------------------------------------- unit mathfns; interface function power(a,b:real):real; function tg (x:real):real; function ctg (x:real):real; function sc (x:real):real; function csc (x:real):real; function sh (x:real):real; function ch (x:real):real; function th (x:real):real; function cth (x:real):real; function sch (x:real):real; function csch (x:real):real; function arcsin (x:real):real; function arccos (x:real):real; function arctg (x:real):real; function arcctg (x:real):real; function sgn (x:real):real; implementation function power(a,b:real):real; begin if (a>0) and (b>=0) then power:=exp(a*ln(a)) else if b<0 then power:=1/power(a,-b) else if a<0 then begin if frac(b/2)=0 then power:= power(-a,b) else power:=-power(-a,b) end else power:=0; {a=0} end; function arcsin(x:real):real; begin arcsin:=arctan(x/sqrt(1-sqr(x))) end; function sgn(x:real):real; begin if x>0 then sgn:=1 else if x<0 then sgn:=-1 else sgn:=0 end; function tg (x:real):real; begin tg:=sin(x)/cos(x) end; function ctg (x:real):real; begin ctg:=1/tg(x) end; function sc (x:real):real; begin sc:=1/cos(x) end; function csc (x:real):real; begin csc:=1/sin(x) end; function sh (x:real):real; begin sh:=(exp(x)-exp(-x))/2 end; function ch (x:real):real; begin ch:=(exp(x)+exp(-x))/2 end; function th (x:real):real; begin th:=sh(x)/ch(x) end; function cth (x:real):real; begin cth:=1/th(x); end; function sch (x:real):real; begin sch:=1/ch(x) end; function csch (x:real):real; begin csch:=1/sh(x) end; function arctg (x:real):real; begin arctg:=arctan(x) end; function arcctg(x:real):real; begin arcctg:=pi/2-arctg(x) end; function arccos(x:real):real; begin arccos:=pi/2-arcsin(x) end; end.