sketches in NewsGroups postings
NGpaint is a very tiny drawing program on Windows. and it is free, of
It will be available for Linux, Mac etc soon (hopefully :-)
Its main / only purpose is for newsgroup
Mails don't need it, they can be in HTML or have attachments.
Often a small drawing tells more than 1000 lines of text. But binaries can/may not be distributed on newsgroups.
NGpaint is dual purpose:
Version history
reader | PERL source code | David Jordan | Ver 3 (Sep-2-1999) *) |
to postscript converter | PERL source code | Mark Zenier | |
! zip 30kB |
Incl. Pascal source
(TP 7) |
Frederic | |
NGpaint on JAVA | immediate html here
and download .ZIP incl. DRAWing tool! |
Josef Chmel | Ver 1.0 Dec.8.1999 |
NGpaint Windows HELP
! 8 kB |
By Frederic | Nov-12.1999 |
how to use: see below
It is no more and no less than a base for further discussions and suggestions.
Will you use it? Which enhancements do you think are "MUST DO" ? Would you write a similar program for another OS
arcs (90° in all 4 quadrants) in Ver. 6 already implemented variable text size (small/normal/big) in Ver 7 already implemented BUT I WANT TO KEEP IT SIMPLE |
The examples are
electronic circuit diagrams, but there is no
restriction to use
NGpaint for engineering, architecture, even
to sketch a baroque
L(1;50;20;50;30) R(2;E;40;30;60;90) L(1;50;90;50;100) L(1;50;100;30;120) L(1;30;120;50;140) L(1;50;140;50;160) L(4;30;110;30;130) L(4;40;160;60;160) E(4;E;10;100;50;140) L(1;30;120;0;120) L(1;37;121;41;131) L(1;41;131;34;127) L(DT;70;30;70;90) R(2;E;80;30;100;90) R(2;E;90;90;90;120) L(1;90;90;90;160) L(1;90;30;90;20) L(1;90;20;130;20) L(3;80;160;100;160) L(3;130;10;130;30) L(3;130;10;150;20) L(3;150;20;130;30) L(3;150;10;150;30) L(1;150;20;190;20) L(1;170;20;170;80) L(3;160;80;180;80) L(3;170;80;160;100) L(3;170;80;180;100) L(3;160;100;180;100) L(1;170;100;170;160) L(3;160;160;180;160) R(3;E;190;10;240;30) L(1;240;20;310;20) L(1;260;20;260;90) L(1;260;100;260;160) L(3;250;160;270;160) L(3;250;90;270;90) L(1;250;100;270;100) T(M;131;45;"D1") T(M;185;99;"D2") T(M;201;23;"L1") T(M;265;81;"C1") T(M;103;37;"o") T(M;27;37;"o") T(M;12;97;"T1") |
![]() . This .GIF was copied from NGpaint to a Windows paint program via clipboard. Canvas size is fixed to
L(2;60;110;100;90) L(2;60;70;100;90) T(M;63;84;"-") T(M;62;100;"+") L(1;100;90;120;90) L(2;150;40;150;80) L(2;150;80;190;60) L(2;190;60;150;40) L(2;150;100;150;140) L(2;150;140;190;120) L(2;190;120;150;100) L(1;150;70;120;70) L(1;120;70;120;110) L(1;120;110;150;110) R(2;F;210;70;240;110) T(M;215;83;"R") T(M;215;105;"S") T(M;225;103;"/Q") L(1;191;121;223;121) L(1;223;121;223;109) L(1;190;60;220;60) L(1;220;60;220;70) L(1;110;90;110;50) L(1;110;50;80;50) L(1;70;50;50;50) L(1;50;50;50;80) L(1;50;80;60;80) L(3;70;40;70;60) L(3;80;40;80;60) L(1;60;100;0;100) T(M;2;94;"+7.5V") L(1;50;80;50;160) L(1;50;160;220;160) L(1;250;160;270;160) L(1;270;160;270;100) L(1;270;100;240;100) R(2;E;220;155;250;165) L(1;150;130;140;130) L(1;140;130;140;150) L(3;130;150;150;150) L(1;150;50;130;50) L(1;130;50;130;20) L(1;130;20;20;20) T(M;21;17;"excitation voltage") T(M;155;71;"+") T(M;154;132;"+") T(M;155;115;"-") T(M;155;55;"-") L(1;120;110;120;180) L(1;120;180;140;180) T(M;192;23;"(c) Franz Glaser") T(M;220;185;"-> third comparator") L(3;140;190;160;170) L(3;160;170;180;190) L(3;180;190;200;170) L(3;200;170;220;190) T(M;201;49;"supply: +15V") T(M;141;94;"LM324") T(M;248;90;"CMOS 40??") T(M;221;151;"10K") T(M;57;36;"33nF") |
![]() |
R(3;E;70;110;100;130) R(3;E;100;100;160;140) R(3;E;160;110;190;130) L(DT;110;100;110;140) L(DT;120;100;120;140) L(DT;130;100;130;140) L(DT;140;100;140;140) L(DT;150;100;150;140) L(DD;180;10;180;160) L(3;200;40;200;60;100;60;--> ...100;110;50;110;50;40) L(DD;80;100;80;140) L(DD;90;100;90;140) L(2;175;20;175;40) L(2;185;20;185;40) R(1;F;160;60;200;70) R(1;F;160;160;200;170) L(2;200;30;200;10) R(2;E;175;70;185;110) R(2;E;175;130;185;160) L(2;190;20;200;10;210;20) L(DT;170;130;170;160) L(DT;190;130;190;160) T(M;220;30;"P") T(M;100;160;"Load cell") T(M;200;150;"spring") T(M;210;70;"limit") |
![]() |
R(1;E;9;83;122;134) L(3;67;26;309;91) T(M;40;45;"Danube") T(M;14;176;"Map of Austria") T(M;231;77;"O") T(M;220;89;"Wien") T(M;214;116;"o") T(M;196;128;"Graz") T(M;153;54;"o") T(M;145;67;"Linz") T(M;109;78;"o") T(M;120;80;"Salzburg") T(M;62;104;"o") T(M;40;115;"Innsbruck") T(M;11;88;"o") T(M;12;79;"Bregenz") T(M;175;38;"o") T(M;147;25;"Vorderweissenbach") T(M;240;100;"o") T(M;230;110;"Eisenstadt") T(M;170;138;"o") T(M;150;150;"Klagenfurt") |
![]() |
L(1;100;90;100;30) L(1;100;90;50;120) L(1;100;90;120;150) L(1;100;90;150;120) L(1;100;90;160;70) L(1;100;90;110;30) T(M;60;80;"P") T(M;80;130;"M") T(M;120;130;"AfA") T(M;130;100;"S") T(M;120;70;"A") T(M;100;20;"G") L(1;104;37;104;20) T(M;170;30;"P=Personalaufwand") T(M;170;50;"M=Rohmaterial") T(M;170;70;"AfA=Abschreibungen") T(M;170;90;"S=Steuern, Versich...") T(M;170;110;"A=Energie, Rep...") T(M;170;130;"G=Gewinn") T(M;80;180;"Gewinn = Erlöse - Aufwände") |
![]() |
This sketch was produced by co-working. It is NOT MY WORK except the
2 arcs in the balloon. :-)
mantschgerl.ngs |
![]() |
unZIP NGpaint.ZIP into a new folder (for easy DEL) install it into your START menu as usual with Windows. You get 2 files: NGpaint.EXE and psmode.txt (the example text above) |
1. Invoke NGpaint.EXE
5. You can add lines, rectangles, circles and text.
Switch between the text window and the draw window using Menu Window or simply click on the window border. Use [F6] and [F7] to switch between windows. 6. If you made a mistake, then a) select the text window with [F6], erase the appropriate line b) press [F7] for redraw. 7. You can save the text of the edit window on a file. It is a pure text file, can be opened with the Windows editor. But this is not the main application of NGpaint- 8. Copy to clipboard (in the textedit window): a Menu Edit SelectAll b Menu Edit Copy. Paste it to your newsreaders textwindow. 9. Copy the Bitmap to the clipboard: While in the drawing window, Menu Edit Copy. Paste to a pixelpaint program. |
[F1] Help is provided, but not with the standard Windows help. Instead a small textwindow is provided. You need not close it but can hide it simply with a mouse click besides the help form. With F1 you get it back to the foreground. The Help form can be placed outside the NGpaint mainform. | ||
Use the clipboard to copy the text to the mail program or vice versa. | ||
Use the clipboard to copy the image to a pixelpaint windows program. |
Of course I know that there are more powerful programs available on
the market. AutoCAD can create a .DXF file which is standardized. But all
have TOO MANY features and produce TOO MUCH TEXT for a newsgroup posting.
Of course NGpaint is not a full fledged drawing program (besides it
is a evaluation version only).
When you painted a line or rectangle, the coordinates are written into the textfile immediately at the bottom. This made it very easy for me to program. On the other hand, it would be necessary to scan the whole text if the user wants to erase a line in the image window to erase the text line too. This is simply too complicated for me hobby Delphi programmer... I did it this way: switch to the text window and erase the line, then [F7] = redraw from text. Another idea was the use of templates or blocks. But how? Either I define diodes and transistors and logical gates in the NGpaint program, and make D( or G( or whatever new lines. How many symbols should I define? Or I have the high tech choice: let the user define templates. This would make the text almost undreadable, each line would get more complicated. What if a symbol is part of another - deep structure like with nested procedures. My thought behind was: it should be even possible to draw on paper manually, simply reading the text. If there are better programmers to do that, OK from me. But I BEG FOR SIMPLICITY, especially regarding the text. I really would appreciate to keep the idea SIMPLE and EASY. It is not a drawing program, but a sketch utility for a particular purpose. Yes, I will try to add a ZOOM, together with the approach of the variable canvas size. In the moment I am proud of the snap feature... This paragraphs are not written to blame the friendly people who mailed me their ideas. Please understand that I am not a professional graphics programmer and not a professional Windows programmer. I found the idea brilliant to add the lines to the text simply when the mouse button is released. No OOPs, no hidden list of objects which are converted to a readable textfile upon close like AutoCAD does. I like the idea to switch between the text- and the painting window when drawing. And I like the idea that it should work with plain DOS as well. No 16 Mio colors, no trillions of shades and hidden lines etc. No .GIF - file writing, no Move of areas, no filled areas. A SKETCH utility only, please! WHAT I AM AFRAID OF: I appreciate serious discussions. There is one further point of fear: The Unix people have another text file format with LF only for new line as opposed to DOS/Windows with CRLF. Regards, Franz Glaser |
There are some errors in NGpaint now. They will be corrected soon.
It would be encouraged if programmers would make a companion program for other operating systems, Linux, Mac etc. There are NO SECRETS in the NGpaint program. It would not make much sense to make the Delphi source program public. The programming with Delphi cannot be ported to Linux or Mac anyway. And what the hell should it be good for to have more Windows implementations? And if a professional Windows programmer wants to make another Windows program, he/she surely will not need my source. And if he/she is a non - professional Windows - programmer like me, what should be the benefit for the community. The "standard" can be viewed simply by looking on the text with some
example drawings.
Until now only 4 distinct tools are defined: Line Rectangle
and Text.
On lines, rectangles and ellipses, the first number can be replaced with in the textline. This seems to be a Windows limitation. Text will be enhanced to S M B for small/medium/big or so.??? No vertical
Lines must start leftmost, and should not get appending text. Though
I do not want to make global definitions in front of the drawing
I will not introduce particular predefined symbols for a particular
Disclaimer: it is not a database format, because the text is only part of postings in the usenet
Idea: To allow for relative coordinates for X2andY2 etc. I am thinking
of another
In the actual implemetation there is no fixing for the delimiter. The
scanner does
The text string must be started and terminated with " but end of line works too. What I plan to add: If the user is in the text window, the cursor on
a line,
NOTE: The definition is not really a DATABASE standard.
It is plain text with
a special meaning, like a language. The file extension was fixed to .NGS for NewsGroupSketch, but there is no need to save the textfiles to disk, they are part of the posting (maybe in the "SENT" folder). PLEASE DO NOT QUOTE
sketch paragraphs
FOR REFERENCE ONLY, the Pascal / Delphi unit that is the most interesting. Note: this source is not from the latest version, but from Version 4. Mail me if you need the full source. |
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