Please Note: As of July 6, 1998 I am no longer able to contact Jonathan Ramsey. In the absence of instructions from him, I will leave his code on this site and keep it available for interested users. We are proud to host Jonathan Ramsey's Pascal TCP/IP for DOS. This shareware has PPP, TCP, IP, UDP, ICMP, DNS Lookup, sockets, POP3 support, SMTP support (sending messages), plus a full DOS GUI. The registration fee is only US$25.00. The complete Pascal source is contained in the archive. Included in this package : Internet Protocol Suite v1.00 PPP Point to Point ProtocolAlso included: Graphical User Interface v1.00From Jonathan's OVERVIEW.TXT: "The GUI included in this package is a complete, easy to use interface to just about any program you can think of. With these units, I have created a complete commercial program which automates HVAC Service Companies. I have also used the GUI units to create an interface to a program which allows me to manipulate 3d Studio Meshes and render them as voxels, 100% interactively!" TP-links MIRROR: ! (949kB) NEW: INDIRECT DOWNLOAD USING FREEDRIVE remember the filename Jonathan's address is: E-mail : Postal : Jonathan Ramsey Note to Spammers - Please do not abuse this email address. We are not interested in your products and will automatically delete your message. The URL for this page is (ORIGINAL) MIRROR: |
Also mirrored at Klaus Hartnegg's site in Freiburg
Betreff: Re: TCP/IP Unit for pascal
Datum: Tue, 07 Jul 1998 00:15:18 -0700 Von: Mike Monett <> Firma: UTS An: "Ing. Franz Glaser" <> Ing. Franz Glaser wrote:
Hi Franz, I posted all the necessary URL's - you have everything you asked
But, you make me feel so guilty, I'll have to put Jonathan's code
Please Note: As of July 6, 1998 I am no longer able to contact
Jonathan Ramsey.
However, I am unable to reply
personally to any requests for
For some reason, ftp is not working right now, but I'll try uploading everything later tomorrow morning. Best Regards, Michael R. Monett,
A Borland SPRINT Editor for Pascal, C,
![]() |
from the
there are
Sorry, I am
If anybody
Point to Point Protocol
----------------------- The PPP protocol allows a computer to dial into an ISP (Internet
The PPP protocol is responsible for transmitting and receiving data,
Why would you want to have direct access to PPP? If you have
an existing
Instead of going on into tremendous detail about the uses of PPP
and other
To use PPP in your application, you must have PPP.PAS in your uses statement : Uses PPP; This is only the first step though. You must also initialize
an object and
To initialize the PPP object you must call the Init Constructor.
I have
oPPP.Init(2,57600,NIL); {The third
parameter is currently not used
Once you have initialized the object, you can begin using PPP.
The first
To dial an ISP, given the phone number, you would call : oPPP.Dial('','',phone_number,'');
{There are 3 parameters in this
Once you have called the Dial procedure, you can call the Terminal
These functions are documented in the MODEM.TXT file. Once a valid PPP connection has been made and an IP address has
been assigned,
This will process any incoming or outgoing data without any more user interaction. To sum this all up, it's simply a matter of getting connected.
Once you've
The following section is a reference to all callable/addressable
functions and
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Variable : use_PFC (boolean) Once a successful PPP connection has been established, this field
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Variable : use_ADFC (boolean) Once a successful PPP connection has been established, this field
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Variable : IPADDR (IPTYPE : Array[1..4] of byte) Once a successful PPP connection has been established, this field
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Variable : IPSTRING (String[16]) Once a successful PPP connection has been established, this field
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Variable : Terminate_OK (boolean) This variable contains TRUE if it ok to call the DONE destructor
of the object.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Variable : Frame_Size (word) This variable contains the maximum packet size to send or receive
across the
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Constructor Init(comport:byte;baudrate:longint;ifunc:proc); The Init Constructor will initialize a PPP object. You must
pass a valid com
oPPP.Init(2,57600,NIL); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Destructor Done; Destroys the PPP object that was created with the Init Constructor.
You should
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function MakePtr(var variable):pbyte; This Function is used internally, but you may find other uses for
it. If you
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function Carrier:boolean; This function will return TRUE if a carrier is detected on the modem,
IsCarrier := oPPP.Carrier; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Procedure Terminal; (USE ONLY WITH GUI) After the modem has been dialed and a carrier has been detected,
you can call
oPPP.Terminal; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Procedure Dial(username,password,phone,scriptfile:string); This Procedure will perform the following functions to the modem
This Procedure is not complete as of yet. A future release
of PPP will allow
To call the Dial procedure, you must have a valid phone number : oPPP.Dial('','',phone_number,''); After calling this procedure, the most logical course of action
is to
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Procedure Packet_Driver; This Procedure must be called in order to poll the data line for
incoming data.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Procedure FormatIP (b1,b2,b3,b4:byte; var ipt:iptype); This Procedure will take 4 bytes and return an IP address in the IPTYPE format :
oPPP.FormatIP (101,102,103,4,IPAddr); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function IPstr (ip:iptype):string; This function will convert the internal IP representation into a
string IP
IPS := oPPP.IPstr(IPAdr); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ValidIP (s:string):boolean; This function verifies a string representation of an IP address.
You must
valid := oPPP.ValidIP(''); The function will return TRUE if the address passed is a valid address,
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function StoIP(s:string;var IP:iptype):boolean; This function will convert a string representation of an IP addres
success := oPPP.StoIP('',ipaddr); The function will return true on success, false if an invalid IP
Simple PPP demonstration : Program PPPDemo; Uses PPP,CRT; Var
{Wait until a carrier is detected before continuing}
{Call Procedure to handle user input for logging into and
writeln('Your IP Address is : ',oPPP.IPSTRING);
DONE := False; repeat
overview.txt | Included in this package :
Internet Protocol Suite v1.00
PPP Point to Point Protocol
* You will find
a more detailed description of each of these
Graphical User Interface v1.00 The GUI included in this package is a complete,
easy to use interface
There are only a couple items which I hope
will make it into a future
README.TXT | Well, a few months late, but it's finally
This zip contains a number of extremely useful units (with source)
Before I go on, here's the deal : I'm not responsible for what
happens when you use these functions.
If you wish to use anything
in this package which will be
----------------------------------------- OK, included is a resource editor which is far from complete, but
If I ever feel ambitious, I'll document the GUI (after straightening
There a graphics routines for 8, 15 and 16 bit SVGA graphics modes
There is a unit that allows playback of FLI files to a client window. The Internet units consists of a PPP dial-up unit, SMTP, POP3,
NOTE : The entire GUI is coded using a non-preemptive multitasking
--------------------------------------------- If I ever get the chance, I will clean all this code up, optimize
Registration :
Here is my registration for Pascal GUI
John Doe
I will mail/email a certificate to you so that you
Ok, if you want to get a hold of me : E-mail : Postal
: Jonathan Ramsey
This kind mail was sent
to me to inform you about Jonathan Ramsey's possible address. To all the US American
If you get information
Franz Glaser |
Subject: Aufenthalt von J. Ramsey?!
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 15:49:56 -0600 From: Marc Forestier <> Organization: NREL To: Lieber Herr Glaser. Es mögen Ihnen ja schon einige geschrieben haben,
Viel Glück. Halten Sie mich auf dem Laufenden, wenn sie den Kontakt
Gruss Marc Forestier. (Schweizer Auslandstudent, z.Z. in Lakewood bei Denver) non testatus: Jonathan Ramsey & Elaine (1)
Jonathan Ramsey (2)