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mail me your URL if you have articles, source code, components 
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Some people say
that Pascal were a language for
learning purposes only.
If you omit "only",
this is correct.
Pascal was made by Prof. Wirth as an EASY TO USE upgrade of ALGOL, the first really structured language. ALGOL was formerly made by egg-head mathematicians (Proff. Backus, Naur, Glenshaw, Miller, Woodger) as a standardized language for the description of algorithms. Later they found out that it was easy to make a compiler to translate the algorithms into a machine code. Pascal is a bit more "computer aware" than ALGOL was, but it still has all the benefits: the self explaining syntax, nested procedures, stringent type checking etc. 
But it is primary suited to describe a particular job, as opposed to languages, which are well suited to force a CPU to do some computations.
Pascal is somewhat more Latin, European, than the main competitive language "C", which is more in-shirt-sleeves, say American.  XQseme!   :-)

Owen's Top Ten (humorous comparison: Pascal vs. C)

Object Pascal beats C++Owen's Top 10 (mirror)
Pascal Central (Bill  Catambay)
Hello World
German: Echte Programmierer meiden Pascal
Nicolaus Wirth, the creator of  Pascal was asked how to pronounce his name. "You can either call me by name, pronouncing it 'Veert', or call me by value, 'worth'", he answered..
opposed .... Why Pascal is Not My Favorite Programming Language
by Brian W. Kernighan, April 2, 1981  (at Scott Moore's URL)


Tom Wellige, TV expert, sources ++
FTP sites look also at the FTP page
Garbo Turbo Vision oriented programs [mirror] Toolkit 
Turbo Vision oriented [mirror] (or ftp [mirror]) 
Turbo Vision oriented archive 
(Another) Turbo Vision archive 
Turbo Vision collection at Jumbo 
TU Graz ftp
Randy Beck, Database routines for TV +Paradox related issues
Newsarticles gathered from newsgroups
Turbo Vision FAQ A.Schlechte(German 310kB) 
132 column mode inprise TI 

        Página Personal de Paco García (es)
        Turbo Vision For TMT Pascal
  TV graphic:  Graphic VisionJason Burgon!
                Graphical interface (for TP 7.0) MOS shareware (France) New URL
         GUI by Arsene v. Wyss (ch) 
Mailinglist information 
Turbo Vision FAQ Berend De Boer
Turbo Vision buglist

Ed Mitchells book as text (Hagenberg) with TV reference (see at books for .ZIP)

TV example: Vokabel2000 by Alexander Grau (German), incl. some source.

   Why TP-programmers should consider Turbo Vision
process visualisation
functional demo version
download (DOS)


Gopher queries 
Sweden [dirs only] [specify string
United Kingdom [dirs only] [specify string
California [dirs only] [specify string
WWW queries 
WebCrawler [form
Lycos [form
Ask AltaVistaTM a question: 

hint: to restrict the query add eg: domain:edu |or| domain:uk 
Starting Point
geocities search
FTP search engine
look also in chapter compilers
 The GNU Pascal Compiler page  (alias GPC)    FTP
 Free Pascal Compiler for DOS, Windows, Linux, OS/2, BSD,
     Amiga, Atari, Palm, ... with object oriented extensions like Delphi. Klaus Hartnegg
 Frank Heckenbachs Pascal pages
 Some info about the ? GNU compiler
    RHIDERH-IDE for DJGPP, mainly GNU
 The Free Compilers List
 The ! Pascal-S compiler 
 The P4 Pascal Compiler  source
 MEGIDO - the RAD to the future >>Delphi for Linux&<<
 Lazarus - Pascal and Basic Linux RAD IDE (annother >>Delphi for Linux<<) URL changed
FPC-Unit for IPC (=Inter Process Communication)
         with message queues, semaphores and shared memory. !
Modula 3  mainly Linux
Caldera  (successor of Digital Research) OpenLinux 1.3
Stefan Röhrichs Linux bookmarks

A Practical Guide to Linux by Mark G. Sobell (Price:$40)
Daily Linux News in German
I am looking for Linux programmers to port a Delphi program to Linux.
This is a freeware job, sorry. It should be of general use for the whole Newsgroups community.
Delphi-32 source (partial) and working program for free download here:
Petition against the treatment received by Jon Johansen 

WINDOWS PROGRAMMING  see also at Delphi

Scott Woodgate's cure to BPW 7 's Flashing cursor trouble on Win95
FTP sites  see also in the FTP page
Turbo Pascal for Windows material [mirror] (or ftp [mirror]) 
Turbo Pascal for Windows specific material 
! BWCC.DLL latest versions, multilingual (452kB FTP)
WWin "CRT" unit for TP 6 running Windows
Source code see also at source and serial
Easy select and insert fonts in OWL 
DLL for using the keyboard 
Various TPW  programs   URL new
? CGI interface for TPW 
Ulli Conrad, URL various Win-examples (Uni Göttingen)
Coder's knowledge Base 
Dr. John Stockton's timing page has a Windows-Delay source
? Turbo Pascal for Windows Page 
Thunking (32/16-bit DLL considerations)
      "People always ask,
     Why won't OS/2 run
        Windows 95
     programs? It's strange
     that no-one ever asks
     why Windows 95 won't
       run OS/2 programs..." 
       (Unknown source) 
quality software

do not forget to visit the Delphi page for more Windows related subjects 
Netscape is my favourite loader utility for the 
application program. But it must have a leakage, sometimes it takes up to two hours to perform its desired action...
non-Pascal WWW Pages see also at WWW and Winsock
IconForge CursorArts, Icon and MouseCursor painting tool
Device driver tools (VxD,,) for Win3.x, Win95+WinNT VIREO  
Bluewater Device driver tools for Win95+WinNT
Manfred Keul TinyPort I/O driver for WinNT Win32 | another URL
   cont. Keul:   www.BeverlyHills(mirror no maint ! 48kB) shareware $75
Adobe Photoshop System Development Kit
! port95nt.exe (1536kB) DLL for Port-I/O under Win95/NT FTP-dirfromNigel Goodwin's Software page
Bennis  Windows Tuning shop
NTFSDOS tool, limited access to NTFS partition from DOS
Hardware I/O Port Programming with Delphi and NT
Win95 is NOT a pre-emptive multitasking OS (why REAL/32).
Win95 annoyances
Device drivers Search
The Driver Zone message board
Tetradyne DriverX
protected I/O also: Delphi Super Page  Torry  Delphi Pages  DEX 
MemTurbo to detect and cure WinXX memory leakages
KRF Tech Device Driver Development Toolkits
MemProof's homepage, leakage detection...
WinFAQ ! (501kB) by Frank Ullrich (GERMAN)
ASPack EXE packer for Win-Exe
EnTech Taiwan TVicHW32 Universal Device Drivers for Windows 9x/NT
KTIL installer 2.01 will install a DOS program on Win95
one of five calculator utility programs
Windows calculators
for free download
including F1 help

WINSOCK  also look at Network

Pasock package, includes finger(d) 
Winsock package for Delphi [mirror
Another Winsock unit for Delphi 
The newest Winsock unit for Delphi 
The SimTel package for Delphi

draw sketches,
e-mail them as
plain text.

Franz Glasers
Hardware links:
sketches in textbased e-mails and newsgroups
ToCows search for WinSock
J. Peter Mugaas Delphi Winsock
WSOCK.VXD Pseudo-Documentation
WSock, a WinSock like driver for DJGPP
Catalyst Socket Tools
Artur Grajek ! (14kB)
DOS Lynx by Fdisk
KU Lynx (Kansas University)

Blaise Pascal
Blaise Pascal

WWW PASCAL PAGES  all subjects / links which did not fit in other chapters

Graeme's Programming Page (Vesa, CDROM...)
? Pascal Programmers Paradise 
? Programmers Heaven 
Garbo (all ... University of Vaasa SF, shareware library)
Coderlink, database with pascal links 
Sigmanet's Pascal Page  (also Hungarian)
Turbo Pascal Place (Andrea Boehm)
? Pascal Programmers Page 
Ultimate Pascal (graph,sound, units, tutorials)
Pino's Bare Page (Pino Navato, Napoli, font converter...)
Rhino's Turbo Pascal Page (Game, Graph, Sound)
John's Pascal Page (Dr.John Stockton)
Perkins Pascal page, containing a.o. the BugSlay debugger 
The Programming Chamber 
Pascal Page with various sources 
Pascal Page with various sources and petition 
Pascal page with some sources (dutch+english) 
Another pascal page listing a lot regional newsgroups (Florida Intnl. Univ.)
Jumbo page, with shareware resources 
TP and Delphi internet resources 
Pascalite Microcontrollers Control Plus (NL)
Consultants & Developers Iverson Software
Pascal Central various articles+links, Bill Catambay (new URL!)
Interest Verlag (German) Delphi + OOP
On-Time Realtime Software 16+32bit
BBS net NZ
BBS archives Pacific Coast Micro !
FPK PASCAL (Klaus Hartnegg, Freiburg)
FPK experimental server
SOS software (Germany, Delphi+dealer...)
Lankford services, some .ZIPs for Delphi
ZDnet software library
Academic Assistance Access tutor aid
Turbopower Turbo/Object/ Professional, TSR, B-tree, Turbo Analyst, Async 
Ethan Brodsky's Homepage (Sound...)
SWAG see source chapter for more
Pascal Ecke (German ... GREAT, all you need
Zax's Homepage IPX, ZIP, basic help 
Constractr  various sources + tutors...
Hew's WebPage (data encryption and various libs)
Boo Khan Ming (various DOS/Pascal downloads incl. source)
Hossam Rady's Pascal page
Arsène von Wyss (Delphi+Pascal, Multitasking on DOS, downloads...)
Griffin Solutions homepage (database eng...)
EDV Beratung Plünnecke (Germany) Compilers
Pedt Scragg var. sources - and beautiful landscape pictures (non Pascal)
Turbo's download center (Fazek, Hu)
EagleScout301 Pascal sources
OAK Repository CP/M Archive  /pub/cpm/pascal/
Johansen Software's TP Programmer's Page
Pascal Programming v2.0 NZ
The Pascal Page Joe Dorward
Pascal  The "official" J.Prins successor
Arminio Grgic (CRO) various downloads, DOS and Windows, FTP client...
TOPAZ tools for Pascal + Delphi, dBase file access...
Ulli Conrad various Win-examples (Uni Göttingen)
Mike Monett, Borland SPRINT Editor for Pascal, C, Assembly, HTML, email, and newsgroups
Coder's knowledge Base  CKB, sources DOS, Windows, compression...
Paradice Software(NZ) LXVesa, LXMouse, LXArray, LXTimer, LXDebug 
ConstractersPascal resources Tutorials, Libs, I/O, serialport... 
Home page di THOR, Pascal + Delphi (It)
List of Pascal related URL's on LinkExchange
List of Delphi related URL's on LinkExchange
Leonid Mamtchenkov's Pascal page with sources
Acheron's Pascal page with games, graph and other sources
TEEN 2's Pascal page graph, sound, tutor,  Adriaan Swanepoel
Jos Dickmanns Pascal page (NL) tutors, sources...The Dutch Turbo Pascal Pages for DOS Programmers
Pascal Mining.Co
LUXENT Apollo dBase tool for Delphi
Gaby&Pipi's Pascal site (ar)
Turbo Pascal With Jack Neely, saved Jeroen Prins' site
Computer Club Locht (nl)
Turbo Pascal Learning Club ((Kim) Wong Hoi Ko, hk)
Página Personal de Paco García (es)
Mozilla Open Directory Project, Pascal related links
Randy Beck, Database routines for TV +Paradox related issues
A French Pascal site with poor html
Stefan Röhrichs Pascal+Delphi bookmarks (links) (de)
Günter Klaming (at), hardware-near Pascal programming
PGG, de Nederlandse Pascal Gebruikers Groep
Getting Started with Think Pascal  Apple (obsolete?)
Jeff Patterson's (Tytarg) Turbo Pascal (XDIR/XF.PAS/JPCOMM/TCPIP) page
ASY/VBE VESA 1.2 and VBE 2.0+ for TP7 real mode
Beat Schwarzentrub ch,
A tutto Turbopascal, by Fabio Manzo (it)
The Pascal Nettoyeur reformatting tool (BP7+Delphi3), Denis Fourré (fr)
(de) Programming-Do-It-Yourself some Pascal progs and FAQ
PRUSSG Pascal Projekt, Schlechte (de), various units
Nerdworld media, Pascal, various
Vadim Bodrov's World, graphics, game development
WWW other
Mathematics on the Web 
~frog links (? jprins-mirror)
Netlib Repository (Math)
Modula, Oberon (XDS) 
FIM Uni Linz Oberon (POW)
Data Rescue (disassembler...)
Novell (Net-API...) download site
FreeType TT-Font rendering engine 
Bokler Cryptosoftware
RPK crypto (Delphi Component..., download+) NewZealand
GeoCities TP-related (120 of 371)
ETH Zürich, OberonNative
HP Printers Esc-codes etc.
c't Heise (German PC magazine, var. downloads...)
Tom's hardware guide
About Reliable Software good programming practices  interesting articles
10 Big Myths about copyright explained
The shareware programmer corner, protection etc.
Zenith (Heath) Z100 Turbo Pascal related
Hornet.ORG downloads Index 
Imaginative Illusions Sdn. Bhd. Software Protection Lockout.EXE
Rudolf's Homepage (TU Munich)
DICOM - Digital Imaging and Communications in Meddicine
Caldera  (successor of Digital Research)  DR-DOS 7.02    CP/M | OpenLinux 1.3
WWWebster Dictionary (english dictionary)
KRF Tech Device Driver Development Toolkits
SandPile.Org 80x86
TAL tech Data Acquisition and Bar Code Software
Older/Used Software Available
MoonLight Graphics (arts specialist)
Oberon microsystems Component Pascal Language Report
Another Pascal source to html converter
Compiler "COMPAS" from Pascal to "E97" codes
ISDN, CAPI (Peter's ISDN-Seite, German)
BugNet The World's Leading Supplier of PC Bug Fixes
Adaptec homepage (SCSI controllers, drivcrs...)
Award BIOS (now Phoenix)
Phoenix BIOS
Unicore BIOS help, Y2k
Dr.Solomon Virus protection
TOWITOKO CHIPDRIVE smartcard interface
eg3 embedded systems
stepper motors
Operating System Resources, some theory
OS-DEV Project (?)
Tomi Engdahl's electronics info page
Earthquake City BBS, DOS programming, huge!
Elektronik Links (Austria + international) Hardware
Index & entry page framed index
FAQ  FTP Newsgroups

page 1
  BOOKS    Compilers[Delphi]HelpFileInformationManuals

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   BGI  GamesGeneticGraphics

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Numeric Serial port  Source  Sound

page 2W this page 
Turbo Vision  WebsearchLINUX
Windows  WinsockWWW-PascalZZZ stuff
Dr. Gary Kildall
Inventor of CP/M, GEM  etc. 
Founder of Digital Research Corp.
Died 1994
Gary Kildall


Driver 1.09b
A multi-user multi-threading game driver (like MUD) v1.09b
The driver creates a virtual world with objects, in which multiple players, local via windows and/or remote via serial ports, can perform actions simultaneously with and on other objects, like other players, non-player characters and items. 
The included source brings units for multitasking, language parsing, serial ports handling, client/server communication and so on. TP/BP 7.0. 
Some docs are available as a WP document 
DU: Disk Usage 1.0
An intuitive recursive viewer of disk usage statistics, exe + sources 
Life 1.0b
Simple life program, VGA and ASCII version included. Mouse driven, sources only, needs mouselib.tpu to compile. 
Shared Shell 1.0
Share your command shell with another user on a serial line. Sources and executable. It includes a nice frontend to comm_tp4 for handling serial port I/O. Uses int29h to catch DOS output. 
Jewel 1.0
The game JEWEL. Source only, ASCII with colours, but nice to play. Compiles straight away.. 
Flip your DOS commandline to more than 25 lines, even on Hercules and CGA cards, source only, you need to make a bgidriv.tpu 
Small graphical program to show a remarkable(?) effect when having random lists of numbers, source only 
What I can offer you, the Pascal and Delphi programmers community, is a collection of sources and hints. There is no ready made solution for immediate use in a particular application. You, the user, are responsible for the proper usage of the code examples.
It is obvious that you can get problems with the many trees in the wood, but this site is a Pascal site, not dedicated to a particular application field. I do not ignore a link, article, NG-mail due to its poor quality, except extremely poor. Because I learned a lot many years ago even from poor sources.
I do a lot of work to keep the site up to date, and I am happy about all your contributions, hints, critics and updates.
Franz Glaser
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